LW Summum Carbon Black Orquídea yra apvali raketė, skirta vidutinio lygio žaidėjams, norintiems pagerinti savo žaidimo kokybę. Jo dizaine vyrauja juoda spalva, suteikianti blaivų ir elegantišką prisilietimą, kontrastuojantį su ryškia logotipo ir jo gumos spalva.
LW Summum Carbon Black Orquidea pagamintas naudojant dvikryptį anglies vamzdelį. Šerdis yra 38 mm Softcolor Core vidutinio kietumo EVA guma, laminuota per anglies ir stiklo pluošto audinio sluoksnius ir sustiprinta anglies pluoštu. Visi audiniai impregnuoti išskirtine VAR-FLEX epoksidine derva ir padengti titano dioksido sluoksniu.
Ši raketė pagaminta apvalios arba LW (Mirtino ginklo) formos. Jo funkcija yra maksimaliai padidinti valdymą dėl žemo balanso ir didelės "spot"vietos. Tai padės žaidėjams, kurie aikštės gale gauna daugiau kamuolio apimties.
Weight: 345 - 360 Grams
Balance: Low
Head Shape: Round
Core Composition: Softcolor EVA
Frame Composition: Hexagon Frame
Surface Composition: Fiberglass
Ability Level: Intermediate
Aerodynamic Drilling: It has been shown that drilling the center of the racket generates turbulence, which is why this racket has a novel drilling system known as aerodynamic drilling. Thanks to this technology we achieve more resistance in the core and greater homogeneity in the hits, which generates an increase in the sweet spot of the racket.
Soft Color: Softcolor is an aesthetic innovation that colors the rubber to match the aesthetics of the racket. This feature brings a colorful, elegant and novel touch to the racket.
Summum: It consists of a longer handle than usual, a 1cm longer hitting surface, and a Wings Diffuser. This will provide extra maneuverability, control and comfort, especially for players who perform a two-handed backhand.
Hexagon Frame & Protector: The Hexagon frame reinforces one of the most sensitive areas of the racket and provides greater resistance to avoid possible breakage.
Slice Texture: Series of curved lines arranged on the face of the racket in both directions. This allows both left and right handed players to increase spin when hitting slices.
HandleSafety: It's the security system that the handle of the racket has. The rope passes through the two walls of the handle and thus prevents the racket and the rope from separating. It also offers us extra comfort on the wrist.